People, StoriesCarolyn2 Comments

The Krugers: Playing the Long Game

People, StoriesCarolyn2 Comments
The Krugers: Playing the Long Game

Everyday Looks Like Loving Your Family

That’s my brother, his wife Julia and one of my top 5 favorite people, Harper. Oh and Beau is apart of the pictures, but would make his grand entrance a few days later.

My brother Tim is one of my best friends. I’ve watched him and Julia make conscious choices about the life they want to live and how they want to raise their children. It’s not easy. They’ve both given up things in favor of playing the long game. Sacrificing themselves for each other and their kids.

Selflessness is an under appreciated, under practiced discipline in our culture, but would solve a lot of problems if we recognized how powerful it is to love someone more than yourself. Tim and Julia, Harper and Beau have a great examples of what it means to sacrificially love in both of you.

I love you guys.

Two notes about the pictures: I feel a little insecure in the typical portrait/family photography. That’s not really my style, but the subject mater was so good, they turned out pretty well. These were supposed to be family photos of the 3 of them before Beau was born, but it turned into a photo session of Harper. Can you blame me, how cute is she?

Carolyn is a thinker doing her best to be a doer.

She works with brands and individuals to create story driven experiences to engage the world.

In less metaphorical language, she helps build logos, websites, videos, content and spaces that engage the right audience.